DX067TP Xiangxi 靴底用EVAコンパウンド添加剤




モデル DX067TP
外観 白い粒子
水分 % ≤0.4
シリコーン含有量 % 50
投与量 % 3-6
温度 120-200
MFI(170℃/2.16kg) 24
密度 0.98

2.Xiangxi silicone masterbatch,the good EVA compounding additive:

Silicone masterbatch can mainly solve the following problems in solving EVA modified materials for shoe soles.

A.Improving processing and liquidity:

Silicone masterbatch,EVA compounding additive can significantly improve the processability and flowability of EVA materials, enabling shoe sole materials to have better filling ability during the manufacturing process, reducing internal stress and reducing defect rates.

Adding silicone masterbatch can also improve the internal lubrication of the resin, resulting in better demolding performance and thus improving production efficiency.

B.Optimize surface properties:

The addition of silicone masterbatch,EVA compounding additive can significantly improve the surface properties of EVA modified materials, including enhancing external lubricity, making the feel smooth, reducing friction coefficient, thereby enhancing the wear resistance and damage resistance of the sole.

At the same time, silicone masterbatch can effectively improve surface gloss and enhance surface silk texture, enhancing the appearance quality of the sole.

C.Improving flame retardancy and stability:

The addition of silicone masterbatch,EVA compounding additive can improve the flame retardancy of EVA modified materials, reduce smoke density, and enhance the impact strength and surface glossiness of flame retardant materials.

In addition, EVA compounding additive has good stability and non mobility, which can ensure the stability of shoe sole material performance during use.

D.Reduce equipment wear and torque:

In the extrusion, injection molding, and blending modification processes of EVA materials, the use of silicone masterbatch can reduce equipment torque and wear, and reduce production and maintenance costs.

E.Suggested dosage:

The recommended dosage of silicone masterbatch in EVA modified materials is 0.2-3%, and the specific dosage can be adjusted according to product requirements and performance.

Silicone masterbatch,EVA compounding additive,mainly focuses on improving processability and flowability, optimizing surface properties, enhancing flame retardancy and stability, and reducing equipment wear and torque in solving the problems of EVA modified materials for shoe soles, thereby comprehensively improving the performance and appearance quality of shoe sole materials.








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当社のEVAコンパウンド添加剤に関する詳細情報を入手するために当社を訪問することを歓迎します: www.xiangxichem.com
